Thursday, May 31, 2007

stolen from anchor and braille's blog:

when a scorpion stings your hand.
there once was a hindu holy man who saw a scorpion floundering around in the water. he decided to save it by stretching out his finger. but the scorpion stung him. the man still tried to get the scorpion out of the water, but the scorpion stung him again. a man nearby told him to stop saving the scorpion that kept stinging him. but the holy man said, "it is the nature of the scorpion to sting. it is my nature my love. why should i give up my nature to love just because it is the nature of the scorpion to sting?"it should be our nature to love regardless of who we are, regardless of what has been done to us. its hard. i know. trust me. people are always going to sting you. they are going to rip into your character. they are going to be the ones in the platform telling you that your views are wrong. they are going to be in the pulpits pointing fingers in judgement. they are going to be the ones who hold your whole race responsible for the actions of one person's actions.but that doesn't give you the right to despise; for hate for those who hate is still hate. in spite of those who may sting you remain in what you know to be your nature. love.

end quote.

this sooo fully applies to God too.
isn't that cool.

anyone who hasn't heard of anchor and braille, they should have.
it's stephen christian's (anberlin frontman/leadsinger) solo project.
it's incredible.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

what hurts the most.

What hurts the most

Was being so close

And having so much to say

And watching you walk away

And never knowing

What could have been

And not seeing that loving you

Is what I was tryin' to do

Rascal flatts. - What hurts the most

Monday, May 21, 2007

has any one else seen this series of brilliant! cards.
they are brilliant!
like emo spiderman.
in fact the whole spiderman movie. brilliant. just brilliant. * sweeps fringe over forehead while pouting *
by brilliant i mean, that you can not keep a straight face or take it seriously because it's just so funny.
no matter if it's meant to be or not.
like my reading story today (thanks to sam's strange/sick? mind)
i could only keep a straight face wen reading it to a 3 and a half year old.
or the quote "run into a friend in the street"
i was going to add a slightly insensitive equation here. but then decided not to.
i could do some hand motions.
but you wouldn't see them
so i give up.
that is also brilliant.

refuse to be put in a basket.

is brilliantly ambiguous.

which is a brilliantly large word (Although not funny, maybe the normal definition of brilliant applies here).

is anyone else confused?

I would just like to ask this simple question for your comments: Is it ever possible to seperate your perception of a certain 'truth' from the truth itself.
could you ever know the 'truth' of something without your perception getting in the way?
contrast how you can know 'love' or how you can know 'how a car works'.
interesting isn't it.
would be keen to hear your thoughts.
my horse is pretty too.
prettier than yours.

and you are brilliant.

don't worry. i don't actually think the question is simple.

i am being cheeky/annoying.
from time to time this is allowable.