Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Oh Mr Sun!

I apologise profusely if i have gotten annoying i-can't-believe-i-remember-that barney songs stuck on your head.... but isn't it fantastic that the sun came out!

It's soooo nice... except for when i am sitting in front of the computer hurting my eyes in the coldest part of the house so i can get my assignment done so i can have a holiday. * breaths*

well, big news! I handed it in!!!!! YAY like almost 2 weeks early! (i'm not a geek really!)

and i got kutless' new CD hearts of the innocent - from Julie for my birthday with the money she gave me!

It's fantastic.......

yay.... im' happy

so, how are you? comment please!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

haven't been around much....

Hey all, sorry I haven't posted in the last week (although it's not like anyone reads this anyway!).

Been pretty busy with assignments and work and stuff... at uni we've been studying theology and it's implications for education. I've really been enjoying it, I love having deep theological discussions. You can check out some of the discussions at

What fantastic fun....

catcha later

Monday, September 11, 2006

The stars are blind?

Well, i thought i'd help poor old paris out with her song writing

i thought this was a little more appropriate considering the musicianship of her song 'stars ar blind'


Even though my label's crazy
Even though my fans are deaf
If you show me real music baby
I'll show you my try!

No seriously, I really think that this girl needs prayer... let's pray that some christian can get into her inner circle and show her where to find true happiness ( a.k.a not making really bad music to try to get more famous, if that's even possible!)

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Think of nice things...

on friday i went to a funeral, one of my friend's grandads died last week.

Funerals always put life into perspective a bit, and make me think (and make me cry!)

I hope people will be saying good things about me at my funeral.

(Btw, I hope you don't get scared off by the amount of stuff on my blog! I just tend to vent on here, so don't feel like it's all or none! Also I'd love to hear you guys' comments!)

Friday, September 08, 2006

rev rev black car
have you any petrol?
no driver, no driver
it's too expensive

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

yet another post spawned from my course at the moment, it's very thought provoking stuff

a free verse poem contemplating on/praying to God

Lord, you are truly great, loving and holy
but you are so much more than that
Your incredible glory is shown through creation
but you are so much more than that
Your actions speak of your goodness and grace
but you are so much more than that

We have taken your image
photocopied it
cut it up
into a jigsaw

now we piece it back together
the end result
but an image

of an image-less God

a drop
in an ocean
a ray
of an infinite sun

We try to understand you
but you are so much more than that.
This was written as a part of the unit we are doing at teachers college at the moment. We have to get involved in a blog ( and we are asked to answer 5 questions over the course.
This was the first one:
Question 1: If GOD created everything, did he also create evil?
There are more than a few conundrums in the Bible and our theology - one such paradox is the existence of Satan and demons, and evil. Did GOD create these beings? Did He create evil? How would you respond to a person who says, I can't believe in GOD, look at all the suffering, pain and evil in the world? Imagine you lived in AID's ravaged Uganda - everyone you knew, dying around you? Could you believe and love a GOD who would allow this?

This was my answer:
God is the creator of everything. The bible clearly shows that. However, I do not believe that this means he created evil. God created goodness and fellowship with him. He created us to love him, but he did not want jus robots who talk about how much they love God. He wanted intelligent, thinking beings that would make the choice to love God. Thus, he gave Adam and Eve the choice to obey his command to not eat from the tree or to disobey that command, and suffer the consequences.
The choice that Adam and Eve made to eat from that tree was a choice to do evil, and a choice to follow satan.
On the other hand, satan and the demons were created by God. But he did not make them to be what they are today. But the angels, like humans, were given rational minds and free will to turn away from God's love and to fall into sin.
A very controversial passage about satan's fall out of heaven is ezekiel 28. some say that this is about satan and others say it is about the King of Tyre which is referred to in v 1. I did a little bit of web research on this topic and have discovered two different viewpoints about the passage, both backed up convincingly and biblically.
The viewpoint that supports this passage being about satan argue that this is a passage exemplifying ‘double fulfilment’. this means that the verse was about an earthly king but also refers to satan’s fall out of heaven. They back this up by saying that the language in the passage is obviously also referring to a celestial being, as it says

" `You were the model of perfection,
full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. 13You were in Eden,
the garden of God… You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you…You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you… So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, O guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones.

What man is perfect? The bible says “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). They argue that this shows that the passage is about Satan.

Also the words ‘mount of God’ was apparently imagery for the throne of God, not a place where a mere man would be. On the other hand, the cherubim were the angels who guarded the throne of God.

But if this were about Satan, wouldn’t God say that? Or is this all a part of the unfolding metanarrative, this hidden meaning?

On the other hand, others argue that this song used hyperbolic (hugely exaggerated) language to make a mockery of this king. They say that verse 12 “Son of man, make a song of grief for the king of Tyre, and say to him..." does not mean make a sad song about the king of Tyre, but make a song that is mocking of him and will cause him grief. They go on to say that the verses mentioned above show that this guy thought way too highly of himself, through a kind of sarcastic poetry.

But then why God put in the bible something that would so easily lead people astray?
So what do you guys think of this?

Isaiah 14 is another one of these controversial ‘double fulfillment’ passages.
There are other passages that speak of Satan’s turn away from God( Revelation 12:7-9 being the only example that I have at the moment, but I think there are more, don’t quote me on this one), that are more specifically about Satan, and this would make me think that, for us, having the fully unfolded metanarrative that God would want us to look back at passages like Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 and see that there was this extra meaning behind it, and have a more fuller understanding of what satan did through this.
But I really don’t know.

Also, do you think that Satan’s fall from heaven occurred before creation?
I think that it must have for satan to have manifested in the body of the serpent at Eden. But I don’t really know, was thinking about that today.

The funniest thing is that the comment was supposed to be around 50 words! haha

Monday, September 04, 2006

Why is the opposite of highly not lowly?

Or is it.... Serious questions to be pondering on the way back from my bro and I's road trip out to burger fuel for dinner.

Oh, and my 2 hours last night still to go on my assignment did turn into a bit more.

let's just say that I didn't get much sleep.

I miss Xtend!

I finally got my CD of photos and it made me want to be back there.... I might actually email some Xtend people now that I remembered about it. I've been meaning to for ages, but y'know the way it is.

Or maybe you don't.

Oh well,

Have great sleeps (well, i'm going to be off to bed soon anyway, i tired)

Crikey, he's dead?

Well, very sad news guys...

The Crocodile Hunter has died, no jokes.
He was killed when he was punctured in the chest with a stingray barb while shooting an underwater documentary in Northern Queensland.

As much as I didn't really like the guy, because of his brash and abrasive style, I'm still sad.
I know it has come to a shock to the whole world, and I can't even begin to imagine how his family would be feeling right now.

When my bro said dat he had died, I thought he was joking!

Well, I mean, that is to be expected when you cheat death for a living, but he was so good at it, that you'd think he was just about invincible.


I don't need a mood ring... my fingernails do it all for me

Just take a look at them...

... well OK don't, you really don't want to see

I'm stressed and if you saw them you could tell!

I'm stressed because I put preparing a church service (which was on tonight) above assignments and now I'm going to have a looooong night trying to get my stupid assignment done. Well OK maybe only two more hours... hopefully

That's why i'm on blogger...

"Your logic is flawed"

Bah humbug