Friday, October 06, 2006

Lessons from the Garden

Well i was gardening today... for the second time this week!!!!

Anyway today it was my garden i was demolishing and rebuilding... was kinda fun except for the time constraints....

I was thinking about weeds... no not WEED! weeds

and i was thinking, 'how come they are weeds, how are they any different to the rest of the plants'

and i realised ' we call them weeds because the spread easily and don't have pretty flowers'

which is pretty much the essence of it.

Suddenly i became all philosophical (OOOOO big word) and was thinking about life... and weeds...

the people 'weeds' in life are the outcasts, the ones who are different from us, the ones who 'don't have pretty flowers' and the get pulled out of normal society and chucked in the dump... or the gutter as the case may be.

Isn't that Sad! :(

Why? just because they are different from us

let's be nice (as much as i hate that word) and kind people and be friendly towards people who are different from us

they are what makes the world an interesting place


Rosa said...

Take that a step further and gardeners will be bored out of their brains cause there'll be no weeds to pull!!

Random Rambler said...

haha... true
well, just as well i didn't take it a step further isn't it!

ALtho think about all the gardeners who wouldn't have back problems!!