Sunday, October 01, 2006


wow, my first post for october... this year has flown by, although i must say that this has been one of my best years thanx to my masters mates... love you guys!
Twas a mint storm today one of the lightning strikes was so close i only got to one-higelty... before it struck! Pretty cool...

Australia has the meanest electrical storms... when i lived in Brisbane we had some amazing tropical lightning storms... they'd make the whole house shake hardcore and you'd get kind of scared..... but they were fun all the same.

Then there was the time when we were out driving and it was overcast (but not raining) and all of a sudden it poured so hard dad couldn't see the road at all and had to slowly and carefully pull into a side street... twas an experience.

Well, hope october sees you all well and happy

Signing out for the night

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