Monday, October 23, 2006

Top 10...

Bad pick up lines.. except not 'pick-up' in the bad sense of the word.... 'pick-up' in the sense of getting a girl to notice you...

anyway here goes

sorry me and monique came up with these... and it's sad the number of these that came out of things i said to her brother haha

1. Hey you're pigeon toed

2. You have a wart on your elbow *in a creepy french accent*

3. IT's not what's on your head that attracts me to you, it's whats in it.

4. you're like a flash of lightning, but not as bright

5. My grandma and her friends were looking at photos of you the other day and were amazed at how good looking you've become

6. I didn't mean to play footsies with you

7. You look like your mum/dad

8. Do I look good in your sisters hat?

9. Light travels faster than sound

10. You're so smart

i apologise profusely (hehe i love that word...) i wrote another post on paper... and was saving it until i could be bothered typing it up and now i've lost it!!!

sorry... you'll have to survive until i find it :D

bye for now

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

i'm not tired, really


i am so tired

thus, this post is boring

night night

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Isn't this awesome...

Thursday, October 12, 2006

wow, teacher's college is so sweet at the moment... this unit is one of those one's that make people think that teacher's college is just a piece of cake...when it's not
it's actually a piece of pie.

anyways, i get to tell one of my favourite childhood stories on monday! so that should be good

haha me and hot things... food... drinks ... are a really bad combination
just ask sam to explain! :P

catcha later....

watch this space... a really juicy post coming soon!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Well, hey there.... here's a great site of musical mavelry!!!
They send you free downloads and stuff.... it's very very exciting!
It's funny, this week i got sent a free download from a little kiwi band... who is making a name for themselves in america 'Detour 180' quite cool i must say
although my 2nd cousin's not in the band anymore... so there goes my claim to fame!
anyways, heres a link

In reality, I'm only doing this to win a competition... but all of the above is completely true!!!!

Friday, October 06, 2006


i got attacked by a killer spider today

only it turned out it was a wasp

thank goodness it was a cold, sleepy wasp who didn't get aggravated by my:

galloping across the backyard to get dad to save my life
spasmodic spasming
and yell[ow]ing 'GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF!'

twas fun

specially when my darling daddy saved my life.....

that was the best part

Lessons from the Garden

Well i was gardening today... for the second time this week!!!!

Anyway today it was my garden i was demolishing and rebuilding... was kinda fun except for the time constraints....

I was thinking about weeds... no not WEED! weeds

and i was thinking, 'how come they are weeds, how are they any different to the rest of the plants'

and i realised ' we call them weeds because the spread easily and don't have pretty flowers'

which is pretty much the essence of it.

Suddenly i became all philosophical (OOOOO big word) and was thinking about life... and weeds...

the people 'weeds' in life are the outcasts, the ones who are different from us, the ones who 'don't have pretty flowers' and the get pulled out of normal society and chucked in the dump... or the gutter as the case may be.

Isn't that Sad! :(

Why? just because they are different from us

let's be nice (as much as i hate that word) and kind people and be friendly towards people who are different from us

they are what makes the world an interesting place

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Can i break the spell...

...of the typical.

A very cool song i found today 'typical' by mute math, a very cool band!

check them out


Monday, October 02, 2006


pizza.... an interesting topic to ponder, at the best of times... why does the topping always fall off?????? WHY? WHY????????

isn't the cheese supposed to stick it on... and the tomato sauce...


hey everyone... i just remembered a very funny thing that happened on saturday night... i went bowling


stop laughing, that wasn't the joke!

well, it was a part of it, i went bowling and in the process of being very focussed with forward motion, of both myself and the bowling ball... i managed to, at the height of my backwards swing... drop the ball!!!!!

Yes sirreeee that's right, I dropped a bowling ball backwards in the process of trying to put the bowling down the lane ....

and i just learnt a new pick up line... 'you haven't lived in New Zealand your whole life, have you? '

thanx to meeks squeeks...

Sunday, October 01, 2006


wow, my first post for october... this year has flown by, although i must say that this has been one of my best years thanx to my masters mates... love you guys!
Twas a mint storm today one of the lightning strikes was so close i only got to one-higelty... before it struck! Pretty cool...

Australia has the meanest electrical storms... when i lived in Brisbane we had some amazing tropical lightning storms... they'd make the whole house shake hardcore and you'd get kind of scared..... but they were fun all the same.

Then there was the time when we were out driving and it was overcast (but not raining) and all of a sudden it poured so hard dad couldn't see the road at all and had to slowly and carefully pull into a side street... twas an experience.

Well, hope october sees you all well and happy

Signing out for the night