Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Why all the problems???

Sometimes I wish that God didn't give me such a soft heart. But i don't really wish that, I wouldn't be the person that I am without that. But when I see people hurting, I hurt for them. And I don't just hurt I HURT. I've so often had those gut wrenching, lump in the throat, about to cry moments when I have friends pouring their heart out to me. I've even had an experience of my heart physically feeling as if it was tearing in two because of my anguish at the fact that there are so many hurting people in the world. It makes it hard for me sometimes, to go about my everyday life because I have so many burdens on my heart, so many people to worry about.

In fact I worry about the whole world. It's in a bad way, so many dying needlessly, so many killing merely because no one showed love to them, so many giving themselves away because that's all they think they can do, so many selling themselves for infinitely less than they are worth, so many with no choices, no freedoms, so many pressured into doing what they would never sanely do, merely because they don't know that there's another way, so many who have never heard of this other way.

I just can't stop feeling this way.

Here's a song/poem i wrote a while ago about this:

How can I look
around me
Without my heart
A life is lost,
another thrown away

I can't turn away
but I can't save them all

Only you
you give us hope
and you died
so the world could live
and rose again
over death and suffering

How can we sit here
for the lost to come to you
You said Go to the world
How can we turn away

Only you
You give us hope
and you died
so the world could live
and rose again
over death and suffering

Copyright 2006 E.R.

I'll leave you with this verse:

James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

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