Saturday, June 23, 2007

Sometimes I wonder...

if God's the only one who thinks I'm beautiful.

And even that doesn't help much..

Don't comment on what I've said. i just wanted to complain.



isabel said...

"zemmzh"... thats what my word verification said... since you said not to comment..

but i will

coz ur not alone. i think you're backed up by every single girl who has ever had a mirror, a magazine, or someone of the male species betray and make her wonder so.

and altho it might seem stupid and backwards, maybe that is enough.
after all, sometimes all you need is one.

Random Rambler said...

thanks isabel... it really sucks to be a girl sometimes doesn't it.

you are right, maybe that is all we need. but it just doesn't feel like enough..

i wish we could go through life without those things that make us wonder if we measure up - the things you mentioned. wouldn't it be nice if we only had other peoples faces to look out - none of the rest...

nothing else to measure our beauty against.

that would be nice.

Anonymous said...'re definitely not the only one who wonders. i always think i have to be better looking, i will never look good in the eyes of anyone other than God