Tuesday, September 05, 2006

yet another post spawned from my course at the moment, it's very thought provoking stuff

a free verse poem contemplating on/praying to God

Lord, you are truly great, loving and holy
but you are so much more than that
Your incredible glory is shown through creation
but you are so much more than that
Your actions speak of your goodness and grace
but you are so much more than that

We have taken your image
photocopied it
cut it up
into a jigsaw

now we piece it back together
the end result
but an image

of an image-less God

a drop
in an ocean
a ray
of an infinite sun

We try to understand you
but you are so much more than that.

1 comment:

Rock Etpak said...

Wikity wikity boom! Nice work, el sistero (excuse the pseudo-spanish please).

Rock Etpak, out.